About Me

I spent 9 years traveling the world as an International Tour Director. It was a wonderful job and I learned and experienced so much. By the end, I was burned out and ready to set down some roots so I took an office job with the travel company I had been working for. It was the peak of my career, and I finally felt like everything was exactly as I wanted it to be and life was great. Then Covid hit. I was unemployed for the first time since I was 19 years old. Every time I tried to improve my fortunes in some way, I experienced another set back. 

Then I got quiet. I became introspective, and I asked myself some really hard questions about what I really wanted in life. Did I want to continue down the same path because it’s what I’m used to and because it was a safer route, or did I want to take a risk and do something I could truly put my heart into? What did I want my life to be like? Who did I really want to be? How can I take this time as an opportunity to grow and get rid of all the messaging I received in the past and blaze my own trail? After working with a coach, I realized that life coaching was what I really wanted to do. I want to help people on a journey of self-discovery who are looking to figure out who they are and/or what they want in life.